Yue's Computer Graphic
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Part1 Globe:
Part2 SSAO(Screen Space Ambient Occlusion):
float distance = length( occluder_position - pt_position );
float overhead = dot( pt_normal, normalize( occluder_position - pt_position ) );
float planar = 1.0 - abs( dot( pt_normal, occluder_normal ) );
return planar*max( 0.0, overhead )*( 1.0/(1.0 + distance) ) ;
vec2 occludePos = texcoord + vec2( i, j )*REGULAR_SAMPLE_STEP;
vec3 occPos = samplePos(occludePos);
vec3 occNorm = normalize( sampleNrm(occludePos) );
accumOcclusion += gatherOcclusion( normalize(normal), position, occNorm, occPos ) ;
Part3 Vertex Pulsing
float displacement = scaleFactor * (0.5 * sin(Position.y * u_frequency * u_time) + 1);
vec3 newPosition = Position + displacement * Normal;
- Bump mapped terrain
- float center = texture2D( u_Bump, v_Texcoord + vec2( -u_time*0.8, 0.0 ));
float right = texture2D( u_Bump, v_Texcoord+ vec2( -u_time*0.8, 0.0 ) + vec2(1.0/1000.0, 0.0) );
float top = texture2D( u_Bump, v_Texcoord + vec2( -u_time*0.8, 0.0 )+ vec2(0.0, 1.0/500.0) );
vec3 perturbedNorm = normalize( vec3(center - right, center - top, 0 .2) );
vec3 bumpNorm = normalize(eastNorthUpToEyeCoordinates(v_positionMC, normal)* perturbedNorm);
float BumpDiffuse = max( dot(u_CameraSpaceDirLight, bumpNorm), 0.0 );
- Rim lighting to simulate atmosphere
- Nighttime lights on the dark side of the globe
- Specular mapping
- Moving clouds(from west to east)
- Orbiting Moon with texture mapping
Part2 SSAO(Screen Space Ambient Occlusion):
float distance = length( occluder_position - pt_position );
float overhead = dot( pt_normal, normalize( occluder_position - pt_position ) );
float planar = 1.0 - abs( dot( pt_normal, occluder_normal ) );
return planar*max( 0.0, overhead )*( 1.0/(1.0 + distance) ) ;
vec2 occludePos = texcoord + vec2( i, j )*REGULAR_SAMPLE_STEP;
vec3 occPos = samplePos(occludePos);
vec3 occNorm = normalize( sampleNrm(occludePos) );
accumOcclusion += gatherOcclusion( normalize(normal), position, occNorm, occPos ) ;
Part3 Vertex Pulsing
float displacement = scaleFactor * (0.5 * sin(Position.y * u_frequency * u_time) + 1);
vec3 newPosition = Position + displacement * Normal;
Friday, November 9, 2012
Image Processing/ Vertex Shading
Original picture:
Fetures implemeted:
Optional features:
Original picture:
Fetures implemeted:
- Image negative: vec3(1.0) - rgb
- Gaussian blur: GaussianBlurMatrix = 1/16[[1 2 1][2 4 2][1 2 1]]
- Grayscale: vec3 w = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721); luminace = dot(rgb, W);
- Edge Detection: Sobel-horizontal = [[-1 -2 -1][0 0 0 ][1 2 1]]; Sobel-vertical = [[-1 0 1][-2 0 2 ][-1 0 1]].
- Toon shading
Optional features:
- Pixelate: define the pixel size(by using the picture size); Get the new coordinates by6 multiply the pixel size with the pixel index. Pixel indices are calculated by dived the original texture coordinates by pixel size.
- Brightness: u = (rgb.r + rgb.g + rgb.b)/3;
- Contrast: (m-a)/(n-a) vs m/n
- Night Vision: Only multiplied by green color;
Sea wave:
float s = sin(pos.x*2PI + time);float t = cos(pos.y*2PI + time);height = sin(sqrt(s^2 + t^2 ))/sqrt(s^2 +t^2 );
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Raterizer -- some triangles are missing
Optional feature I chose are:
- backface culling
- interactive camera
Back-face culling
Friday, October 12, 2012
Path Tracer--Got basic features right
- Anti-aliasing:
I don't know why there are white lines on the white sphere.
- Depth of Field:
- Short Demo:
Path tracer--Got the color right
I made mistakes in the Accumulate function for color accumulation.
Here is the corrected one rendered scene I got:
Here is the corrected one rendered scene I got:
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Path Tracer -- Always get flat shading
- calculateBSDF
- calculateFresnel
- calculateTransmissionDirection.
- stream compaction
The problem is that in remove_if function I accidentally remove all the rays that need to continue tracing. For the colors, that is because I used plus instead of multiply.
Correctted that I got this:
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